
We collaborate with other networks and organisations to bring benefit to our followers and develop our network further.

As a collaboration, this means we build an informal agreement as to how we will work together for the benefit of the communities that the organisations and networks serve.

The Chartered College of Teaching

We will be working in partnership with the Chartered College of Teaching (CCoT) for the benefit of our community, but also their community of members.

Diverse Educators

We are currently working on collaborating with the Hannah and the Diverse Educators to ensure we have diverse representation at our events, but also to ensure we direct members of the Step Up community to Diverse Educators. Leadership can sometimes not be diverse, and those from underrepresented groups find that it takes longer to get on the leadership ladder. We will be working with organisations to ensure that diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging is visible within educational leadership.

Heads Up 4 HTs

More information coming soon.

Honeyguide School Leader Support

We have begun discussions with Mirelle and the Honeyguide School Leader Support team as to working together. Honeyguide aims to be a source of support for educational leaders at all levels with the services they provide. We will be amplifying their work as well as featuring them at some of our events.


We already have a large WomenEd following within our community and featured within our events. Ben, our founder met Christalla, one of the national leads for WomenEd England quite early within the Step Up journey exploring ways of collaboration. As a network, we believe in equality and equity of opportunity and therefore will continue to support WomenEd and amplify them to ensure we have a WomenEd presence at each of our events.

Want to collaborate with us?